Jak probíhala výměna mládeže Healthy Body Healthy Mind

The ‚Healthy Body Healthy Mind‘ youth exchange took place in Visegrád, Hungary, and hosted 32 participants from 6 countries. (Hungary, Portugal, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Czech Republic).

During this 6 day long international youth exchange participants could gain more self-awareness through creative methods and they explored and shared different kinds of tools to boost their mental, physical and spiritual well-being that they can apply in their everyday lives. Participants took part in various non-formal educational activities, which allowed them to gain new methods and tools, boost their competences and soft skills and to give back to the society by applying the learnt methods in their everyday environments after the project. 

Participants could gain knowledge and develop themselves in the following fields: 

  • Mental health and well-being 
  • Forms of meditation and relaxation practises 
  • Healthy Nutrition 
  • Forming healthy habits 
  • Stress management techniques 
  • Dealing with change and ambiguity 
  • Reflection 
  • Yoga and hiking 

Moreover participants could develop their 8 lifelong learning competences as well through the various activities in the framework of the project.

partner Maďarsko

Magyar Parkour Egyesület